Still employed, to my surprise. The cutbacks were endless, and promise to be deeper in the new year.
The holidays went off without a hitch. I have to say, this has been one of the more enjoyable in years. Got to relax and enjoy family and friends....and if you can't do that, then what's the point?.
So....comfort food? Food that comforts, and that makes me think, potato soup. Never having done before, I attempted potato soup, to great success if I may say so. I'm usually not a fan of fancy presentation, with tidy little stacks, and smears of tasty color, or odd ribbons of goo from squirt bottles......so, potato soup served in the baked potato it was made from, complete with bacon, cheese and sour cream......of course.
Being the holidays, I felt turkey and dressing need to be on the menu at least once. I decided to give it some greg though. I took turkey breasts and rolled them with a home made cornbread "stuffing". I used the ribs from the breasts to make a nice rich gravy. Fresh green beans and a butternut squash mash completed a very good meal.....just a bit different from the original, but a successful concept none the less.
a before shot, just cause I can.
Happy holidays, Merry Christmas and happy new year kids...cheers and enjoy.
next time, we'll see just how easy a stock really is.
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