Monday, March 14, 2011

new day, new shit....

well, everything seemed in order, and then a nice sucker punch to the neck today. I have to explain and justify every thing from my past from a financial standpoint. why did I have these late pays, these no pays, these pay offs?....cause I was not responsible for a few I'm a criminal?...NO..fuck that shit!...I'm just a regular guy with regular problems. I've done a lot in the past few years to fix this shit, so why do I have to explain it? why do I have to go back and say "yes", I fucked up, it was me.....?? why? why can't we let the current facts and figures speak for me, let's live in the now, the here...not some shit from 3 years ago. I'm just really really pissed...after everything I've been through, everything I've done and all was great and going smooth for a few days....and then they pull the rug out...shit.....well..lets hope for the best. cheers greg

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