Tuesday, March 8, 2011

well...it's raining

not a ton going on around here. Going to look at another house tomorrow, and if it looks as good as in the pics, it's a winner...then on to the debt. LOL......nah, it's a good thing. time to move on, though this crib do hold a bunch of good times......I can't really recall but a few bad times here. This place has been great, though I was sick at the sight of it when I moved in....if we recall, I signed the deal, sight unseen, but found it a home and got comfortable here...made some friends, found some truth, lost some friends....been a long ride, and it's coming to an end......sad yet happy in the same. I'm glad to be moving on, but will miss the old joint.

Anyway, glad to leave trussville....it's getting weird here...the church runs this town....they'll have the thrift store in business soon...and while I don't agree with the location, I don't agree with some of the argument against it. most of the people object "big box stores" and that's cool, and the location could be better used for a good specialty market or similar. The people crying about the new "diverse" people that will come in...just say it!...don't skim over the racism, let it flow if you want. Trussville doesn't want blacks, mexicans or any others.....oh, unless it's like the mexican guys putting a new roof on the building on the corner of chalkville and main! then it's OK?!?!?!?!?!......pick a point and stick with it...hypocrites.

Anyway...we're on to bigger and better....st. clair rednecks to be.....and that will be a blessing in itself.

cheers and enjoy kids, greg.

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