Thursday, January 1, 2009

first post of the new year...2009 style,

like roy batty, minus the sheep, hitting the cat nip with the fish all honesty, I hope to make this year better than the last..although 08 was pretty good. I plan to focus more on working for others, but not for a way. I plan to not buy a single watch till today in 2009....yeah, that's right, it's a forum thing, but I want to be the guy that makes it....and whatever I tuck back for said watches over the year will, in the end become an insane watch purchase....can we say Blancpain...fifty fathoms???....lets keep those fingers crossed that I can save that kind of cash in the coming year, and it that doesn't work, I'll invest and if we're not displaced by then, I'm sure that cash will come in handy for a down payment on a house.
So, the church across the street is likely to turn my crib into a parking deck....yep, rancho relaxo will be first floor of baptist car central.....I'm not pleased or impressed, but they bought the house next door for above market, and surveyed the block the day after paint and stakes everywhere. They also offered several grand to get the people out of the house a little, all signs point to.."duck and cover greg"
on the cooking front, I'm looking into two properties that would be usable as restaurants, well, one would be a better butcher shop. I'm really not looking to buy, I'm just feeling out the market.
I have a few new tricks and recipes to post, nothing really amazing, but here in the south, we do love some fried okra. I came up with a really great okra that tastes fried, but isn' all you like and not worry, cause it's not fried, and barely enough oil to notice. I also have a chilled corn soup working (not sure about it though), and I found that parm works well with...squash?...yep, it does work...the crispy, salty flavor on the squash is great.
That about covers it short term, and I hope you'll come back often and offer suggestions. I also set up mobile blogging, so I might clutter the pages with random daily pics and thoughts....who knows.

Cheers and enjoy....
a parting pic, of 3 straps made for me by Johnny T in cali, all from some Doc Martins boots I had....spend 5 years breaking in the leather, and the straps come out like butter. :)
dm straps
.dm straps somore

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